Have you ever had one of those days when something happens that is so perfect, nothing can touch you? The sort of day where the end of the world could occur and somehow you would be able to deal with it. Sometimes this feeling comes as a result of having done something amazing, like running a marathon, paddling 100km or acing an exam. The event is so huge that everyone can at least understand why you're feeling great, even if they don't quite get how indestructible you really are.
It's easy with the big events to feel the big emotions. I had an email the other week that made me feel absolutely bulletproof. In that moment, as I read it, there was nothing I couldn't do, no mountain I couldn't conquer, no sea I couldn't swim. I was utterly undauntable.
I didn't want to lose that feeling, I wanted to keep being that person who could do anything. The problem of course, everyday life creeps in and brings us back to reality with a thud, making us remember who we were rather than who we are and who we could be.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
I decided that having finally won my bulletproof vest I was going to keep it, but not by just constantly seeking the next big buzz. Instead, my vest has been buffered and filled by the small things, like when a stranger smiles at me in the street or my husband delivers a unexpected cup of coffee to my desk. Like discovering the mulberry tree down the road is full of fruit or my fluffy cat deciding that sitting next to my computer while I work is the purrfect way to spend her day. It's finding a smile creeping across my face as I look at my freshly mown lawn or my clean and tidy kitchen benchtop.
And I have to say that my bulletproof vest is feeling pretty damn fine. It's not to say that bad stuff can't dent it, but rather there is an awful lot of good stuff surrounding all of us everyday and that to me is pretty awesome.
So here's to all of us developing bulletproof vests and learning that there is nothing we cannot do if we just believe in ourselves and what life has to offer us.
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